Bike Fit Services

  • -Ideal for cyclists without injuires, requiring minimal component changes.

    -Includes pre-fit evaluation, comprehensive fitting and outcome data.

    -$50 off custom insoles

    -(Book a Dynamic Fitting for Cycling Related Symptoms)

    *services do not include potential material goods i.e. stems, wedges, saddles

  • -The Comprehensive Fitting is for cyclists interested in a transformational cycling experience.

    -Addresses cycling-specific symptoms, consultation and install for basic component changes.

    -Includes pre-evaluation, up to two-hours fitting, 30-minute follow-up within 60-days, and outcome data.

    -$50 off custom insoles

    -(Book a Complex Fitting for Chronic Injuries and Symptoms that extend beyond Cycling)

    *services do not include potential material goods i.e. stems, wedges, saddles

  • Ethereal - marked by unusual delicacy or refinement

    The Ethereal fit is for the individual looking to have a transformative experience with their bike.

    -9:00 meet at studio ready to ride

    -9:15 leave studio and ride to local coffee shop/on bike assessment of fit and riding habits

    -9:45/10:00 coffee shop debrief

    -11:00 return to studio/review on bike video

    -12-12:30 provided delivered lunch

    -13:00 On the bike adjustments begin w/ proprioceptive pedaling instruction and breathing drills w/ metabolic mask data

    -15:00 Finalize process with review of starting point, final fit, and take home portfolio

  • Bikes are becoming more and more integrated with fewer adjustable/swappable parts. Take the guess work out of your new or future bike with a fit on a size cycle.

    The new bike fiting includes a pre purchase assessment on the size cycle and a follow up session with your new bike.

  • -Custom insoles molded to your feet

    -foot and cleat wedging

  • *This service is for previous clients, new clients please schedule at least a comprehensive fit

    -This is not not a complete fit but a service to address any nagging issue that develops over a riding season.

    -Examples would be, inner knee pain, shoulder pain, foot hotspots

    *services do not include potential material goods i.e. stems, wedges, saddles

  • -$400 total for 2 comprehensive fits, ideally done in the same appointment (now ~2 hours)

    -$700 total for 2 Dynamic fits, can be done in one booking or over two separate days

    -email me at about scheduling this service

Bike Fit background and qualifications

Bike fitting, let alone coaching, was never an occupation I imagined myself in. My introduction to bike fitting was when I lived at the Olympic Training Center. I worked closely with the USA Para Triathlon resident athletes as their mechanic. Through helping these athletes with their equipment, they slowly started asking for my help with helping them optimize their aero position and fit. My first fitting clients were athletes with an assortment of impairments; above/below the knee amputees, incomplete spinal cord injuries, and various other impairments. Learning and understanding the function of these athletes first hand was a deep dive into better understanding how the body interacts with the bike and how to best optimize the interface between the two.

Present day, I mentored under Chris Balser “The Bike Fit Guru”. Chris is a world renowned fit expert out of the midwest. Chris has 30 years of experience and is the highest level of International Bike Fit Institute certified instructors.

"Noah is one of the most talented fitters I've worked with. He instinctively identifies solutions from basic and complex issues better than peers who have been fitting for 25+ years. "

-Chris Balser