Noah Middlestaedt

“Gimp Cyclist”

Noah was practically raised in the back of the bike shop, so it was inevitable that he fell in love with racing as well. Showing tremendous potential while racing as a junior, he sought to further his cycling career, and dedicate his life toward competing at the international Paralympic level. At the age of 19, he was invited to live at the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Since committing himself to training full time for Team USA, Noah had encountered quite a few coaching philosophies he did not gel with. So, he set out to provide a better way for athletes to develop and grow in the sport. He was intentional in taking a holistic approach toward his athletes’ training by being adaptable to their lives outside of training, while also subscribing to a well researched and methodological based process.

He has steadily grown a successful coaching business by investing his full effort into helping each of his athletes achieve their goals. Whether it’s providing thorough analytical feedback after a hard training block, strategizing race day tactics, or simply being a sympathetic ear, he genuinely cares for every individual he has the privilege of working with.

Along the way, he has helped nearly every caliber of athlete from absolute beginner to multi time World Champion. Noah has gained the respect and trust from the greater cycling community in nearly every place he has lived and trained since leaving Minnesota in his late teens - from Colorado Springs to northwest Montana to ultimately landing in Maine, where he plans to be for the foreseeable future.